New Mexico Estate Planning Legal Form Package
New Mexico Estate Planning Document Package – New Mexico
Our New Mexico Estate Plan package includes all the estate planning documents you will need. This Estate Plan package is the most competitive priced package on the net. Why pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to an attorney who in essence sells the same package?
- Revocable Trust Documents
- Self Proving Certificate of Trust
- Assignment Bill of Sale
- Transfer Document
- Pour Over Will
- General Durable Power of Attorney
- General Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care
- Revocable Trust and Estate Planning Ebook
Order New Mexico Revocable Trust Package
New Mexico Estate Planning Documents in Work Format
Our New Mexico Revocable Trust Package includes a complete 100+ page Revocable Trust Document in Microsoft Word format and an explanatory E-Book. The Revocable Trust Document includes a template system that you will complete with the various information needed to tailor the document to your specific needs. Once the template is completed you can merge the variable information into the form Revocable Trust Document form included within the package. The document is a full length, 100+ page Revocable Trust, much like the form document used by most attorneys.
Estate Planning E-book
The E-Book portion of the package includes instructions and explanations necessary for you to make key decisions regarding your Revocable Trust and estate planning issues. Using our E-Book document template system, you will save hundreds of dollars in attorney or estate planner fees. It is highly recommended that you have an attorney in your area review the documents you prepare using our system. However, you will save hundreds of dollars as your attorney should only charge you to review your documents rather than prepare the documents from scratch.
Revocable Trust Package Contents
Your Revocable Trust for a single person. The trust holds your estate for the benefit of your named beneficiaries and distributes your estate to your named beneficiaries with each beneficiary receiving a percentage share of your overall trust estate. The distributions to your named beneficiaries are distributed one-half upon each reaching age 25 and the other half upon reaching age 30.
Self Proving Certificate of Trust. Declares the Revocable Trust to be in existence. It includes a Trust Certificate that can be presented to banks, financial institutions, financial planners and investment advisors, and/or life insurance agents proving the existence of the trust without having to actually show them the trust itself.
Assignment Bill of Sale. Transfers all personal property (untitled) to the trust.
Transfer Document. A ‘catch all’ document setting forth your desire to transfer everything you own to your Revocable Trust.
Pour Over Will. Wills designed to catch assets that were inadvertently not placed in the trust and requests that the probate court transfer such assets to the Revocable Trust.
General Durable Power of Attorney. A general durable power of attorney for financial affairs allows you to appoint an agent (typically referred to as an “attorney-in-fact”) to make your financial decisions for you if you are incapable of making them for yourself. The power of attorney is designed to avoid the expense and time delay involved in petitioning the court for the appointment of a guardian. It also allows you to appoint a guardian of your choice in the event that a court appointment becomes necessary.
General Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care. A durable medical power of attorney (also referred to as a durable health care power of attorney or an advance directive) allows you to appoint an agent to make your medical decisions for you if your incapable of making them for yourself. You can give your agent instructions as to what type of medical care you want or do not want, including the authority to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining procedures, if you so desire. Without a properly drafted and signed durable medical power of attorney your spouse and/or children may not be able to control your medical care.
Letters of Instruction Requesting that Certain Assets be Re-titled in the Name of the Trust. It is imperative that all your assets, especially the probatable ones, have their ownership transferred to the Revocable Trust. Because of this importance, your Revocable Trust package includes over 14 different types of letters and instructional requests that you may sign and present to you bank, financial planner, insurance agent and the like such that your assets will be properly re-titled.
Revocable Trust Estate Planning E-Book. Your Revocable Trust package includes an e-book with step by step instructions as to how to create your Revocable Trust estate plan. The system uses Microsoft Word and is an automated process. All you need to do is fill out a template and press a button. The software does the rest.
Given our research, purchasing our New Mexico Estate Plan package will save you anywhere from $700 to $7,000. Do not go without planning your New Mexico estate simply because you cannot afford the exorbitant attorney fees.
Revocable Trusts are widely used as a mechanism to avoid probate and assure that your estate is settled and assets are transferred to your desired beneficiaries without court intervention and the delays and expense involved in the probate process. See Avoiding Probate and Revocable Trusts vs. Wills.
While our New Mexico Estate Plan packages are drafted after our review of New Mexico Estate Planning law, a review of these documents by your local attorney is necessary. The great thing is that this review is all you need to pay for. You present your already drafted New Mexico Estate Plan to your local attorney for a final review and approval. You are even able to provide your local attorney with your New Mexico Estate Plan on disk in MicroSoft Word format so that editing, if any, is fast and easy.
We strongly recommend that you have the documents that you create using our products reviewed by an attorney that is license to practice law in your state. Our forms cannot replace the services of an attorney and we are not authorized to provide legal advice regarding your specific situation or needs.